Poetry and musings of a zany Mormon girl who is very proud of her Erda roots.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Thought no. 2

Winter in a nutshell:

Literally. It is soooo cool! But not really cold this year. We've only had a handful of days since November that have been cold enough to make nose hairs stick together. You know it's really cold when your nose hairs not only stick together but form tiny snot-cicles as you breath. Now, that's cold. I grew up in Quincy, IL, on the Mississippi River. It got cold there. We used to go shoe skating in puddles of ice that formed between the tracks of a runaway train stop. Wind chill from the humid air would make cold into soooo cold. When it was soooo cold the ice in the air would cut your skin and make it burn. When it's cold enough to burn you know it's really cold.
But in Utah, it's just soooo cool. And cool makes good powder in the mountains.

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