I finally get to play with the Murray Symphony again! Huzzah!
I was supposed to play in the March concert, but could make it to enough rehearsals to actually learn the music. This was due to my work schedule which changes constantly. I'm pretty sure that I've got it ironed out and I'll be able to get every Wednesday night at 6pm so I can make it to Murray on time for practice.
Yesterday, on my way to practice, I got a little lost and wound up on Van Winkle -- the most confusing street in SLC. Every time I find myself on that street it's an accident and I have to give a little yelp inside because getting lost on Van Winkle is just a matter of fact. It serpentines it's way around most major roads and plops out drives into ritzy neighborhoods they didn't want to be plopped into.
I did find a cool-looking restaurant called "Franks."
I'd eat there. Under the naked light bulbs, trees and stars, I could enjoy just about any type of meal.
I arrived at Cottonwood High School early for rehearsal to accommodate seating assignments and to make sure I still had a seat. The amazing musicians I play with are very kind and welcomed me back once more. I was introduced to my stand partner: a shy young man who looked as eager to play as I felt.
The first thing this young man did was to apologize for not being a very good violinist.
"Oh, that's ok," I replied, "I'm not that great either."
He silently observed the room, so I began asking questions.
"So, did you play in high school?"
"Naw, I haven't made it to high school yet -- I'm in junior high."
". . ."
The kid has a mustache! Plus, he's big -- about 5'10" and sturdy.
My assumptions made me realize something: I always assume that people are about my age. While it's rediculous, if someone looks young, I assume that they are about my age. I don't know how many 18 year old high school students I've met at work because most of them appear to be in their early to mid 20's.
I, on the other hand, appear to be about 18 or 19.
Someone told me that yesterday. She was impressed that I had a college degree and then asked me my age. No one assumes that I'm as old as I am.
I guess that's a good thing.
My parents are both quite youthful in appearance as well.
Anyway, my new stand partner is a junior high student who can keep up just fine with advanced amateur musicians. He skips the hard parts, just like I do, but I think he'll be fine over all. This gives me a little more incentive to practice; there is no way that I want to play worse than someone at least ten years my junior. My pride won't allow it. I'm glad to be partnered with him. I enjoy feeling as though I can teach or lead someone.
This season marks the 35th anniversary of the Murray Symphony. We are going to play Espana by Chabrier and . . .
. . . wait for it . . .
The 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky!!
I'm so excited for this!
We played through a few times without the percussion, but next rehearsal we should have the canons and everything!! I'm so excited!!
I was supposed to play in the March concert, but could make it to enough rehearsals to actually learn the music. This was due to my work schedule which changes constantly. I'm pretty sure that I've got it ironed out and I'll be able to get every Wednesday night at 6pm so I can make it to Murray on time for practice.
Yesterday, on my way to practice, I got a little lost and wound up on Van Winkle -- the most confusing street in SLC. Every time I find myself on that street it's an accident and I have to give a little yelp inside because getting lost on Van Winkle is just a matter of fact. It serpentines it's way around most major roads and plops out drives into ritzy neighborhoods they didn't want to be plopped into.
I did find a cool-looking restaurant called "Franks."
I'd eat there. Under the naked light bulbs, trees and stars, I could enjoy just about any type of meal.
I arrived at Cottonwood High School early for rehearsal to accommodate seating assignments and to make sure I still had a seat. The amazing musicians I play with are very kind and welcomed me back once more. I was introduced to my stand partner: a shy young man who looked as eager to play as I felt.
The first thing this young man did was to apologize for not being a very good violinist.
"Oh, that's ok," I replied, "I'm not that great either."
He silently observed the room, so I began asking questions.
"So, did you play in high school?"
"Naw, I haven't made it to high school yet -- I'm in junior high."
". . ."
The kid has a mustache! Plus, he's big -- about 5'10" and sturdy.
My assumptions made me realize something: I always assume that people are about my age. While it's rediculous, if someone looks young, I assume that they are about my age. I don't know how many 18 year old high school students I've met at work because most of them appear to be in their early to mid 20's.
I, on the other hand, appear to be about 18 or 19.
Someone told me that yesterday. She was impressed that I had a college degree and then asked me my age. No one assumes that I'm as old as I am.
I guess that's a good thing.
My parents are both quite youthful in appearance as well.
Anyway, my new stand partner is a junior high student who can keep up just fine with advanced amateur musicians. He skips the hard parts, just like I do, but I think he'll be fine over all. This gives me a little more incentive to practice; there is no way that I want to play worse than someone at least ten years my junior. My pride won't allow it. I'm glad to be partnered with him. I enjoy feeling as though I can teach or lead someone.
This season marks the 35th anniversary of the Murray Symphony. We are going to play Espana by Chabrier and . . .
. . . wait for it . . .
The 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky!!
I'm so excited for this!
We played through a few times without the percussion, but next rehearsal we should have the canons and everything!! I'm so excited!!
Tchaikovsky - Overture 1812 by beautifulcynic